To all ye females out there: Happy March 8th!
(for those of you who don't kow: it's women's day)
and in connection with this wonderful fest i have several small things to write about.
1) Friday surprise.
well it so turned out that i skipped math since i hadn't done any of the hw, so i was sitting in my room. after class had ended my groupmate nina came by my room and we chatted for a while. at one point there's a knock on the door, and three of the guys from our group entered. with two bouquets. followed by this short and entertaining little speech: "a number of year ago our own native country, [thinking pause]... well it's not native and not ours for all of us... (nina is ukranian, and i'm.. well... me... great word choice :D) invented this wonderful holliday..."[rest is o mitted due to unfunnyness]. and then each of us got a wonderful three tulips and the boys left. unexpected sweetness on their part.
later friday night i went home, and returned saturday, since a 4 day break is obscene, and i wouldn't be able to get anything done. also saturday night the sutudents had a club night for anyone who would wish to come, and i wished and lera wished , so us two girls and a buch of others went to enjoy ourselves for a bit. when we gopt back roundabouts 11, my already sprained foot (no thanks skiing) was not happy and neither was my knee (also wrecked slightly by skiing) which was pretty much worthless at that point. none the less, i managed to convince lera to have a small blues lesson(since my roommates have mysteriously disappered), though she was just as dead beat as me. finally she realized that dancing was pretty much the greatest thing ever, and that she would from now on always pester me with lessons. which i will gladly do. once i get her up into shape, we'll go hunting for boys, and it will be epic.
3) sunday
although i went to bed at 2. i randomly woke up around 8. and the previous day, nina said that, volodia, one of her old schoolmates who's also at mipt (only a different subsection/college) asked wether we (nina, lera, me) would like to go out to see the ostankino tv tower. lera was sick so she didn't go, so it was but the three of us. luckily we didn't have any time restraints so we walked around slowly, as my foot wasn't exactly cooperative. however it turned out that getting into that tower is much more complicated than i t would seem, and much more expensive, so we just went to this happy amusement area place, and walked around. it was pretty cold though (a rather strong wind and -12C) so nina and volodia got pretty cold being from the ukrane and all (apparently it's warmer there. and they bothe had hats whereas i didn't, and were amazed as to how i wasn't cold. it's not like i was warm i just hate wearing hats too much :P ) and since we didn;t manage to see al of it we decided to come back another weekend and see the rest of it. and also go ice skating sometime, though not in moscow, since it's pretty pointless ot go there just to skate if you can do that here as well.
4) monday
so yeah today is a free day, and again. although i'm exhausted i woke up at 8. wtf!? my roommates still haven't returned, and somehow i think that it might have something to do with that. it's great to have a room to yourself, but it you can't sleep, that just defeats the purpose. so please excuse the myriads of typos in this since i'm sore everywhere and totally sleepdeprived, and lacking coordination. gah. so yeah. i've been doing absolutely nothing till now, and i still have tons of shit to do. two labs and that math hw... and then i have to go buy toothpaste... i finally completely ran out, so i'll have no choice but to go. also i had this little idea of giving lera, nina, and katia(yes, she has the same name as i, since in russia it's a rather common one.) each an anonymous rose today, since it's march 8th and all.
(lol turned out to be more of a recap of the weekend, oh well)
PS: you have no idea how tired i am of winter. i doesn;t seem to ever end! we still have snow lying around knee deep, and those evil places weher the snow has become so compact that it's as slippery as ice. damn it! Where is global warming when you need it!!!