I don't know how aware you are of this; but I've been sleeping on this tiny little thing that is a thin piece of foamy matres on a wooden board. And today we finally bought me a bed. Well... it's not really a bed, and we don't actually have it yet, since our dear lazy ass woman still hasn't moved out(but she said she would by wednesday). It's one of those couches that turn into a bed, and mine has this awesome egyption type print on it, and will be delivered on wednesday between 9am and 12am(yes, midnight). It's tons better (and bigger) than the thing I have now, so all is well. ^^
Also: I finally have a phone, though I have no idea wether or not it works, since I can't turn it on without a SIM card. which really sucks. It's shiny and I want to play with it... grrrrrrrrrr (It's a Sony ericsson T280i; and this is what it looks like: http://bi.gazeta.pl/im/1/5421/z5421651X.jpg)
(For all you who have no idea what the heck a SIM card is: it's a little card that you put into your phone so that you can make calls from it. You buy it from your provider, the awesome thing is that, a SIM card can be put into any phone, and associated with any calling plan within a provider.)
After we got the bed for me, me and my dad went to the IKEA to look for a table and a chair to put into my room. On the bus there I saw the most entertaining thing: coins, and pieces of paper. Why are they so entertai
<=====Well this is why. (Just in case you didn't already realize it, these are hand holdy thinghys that they put in busses so that when standing, and you are short, you can hold on to something that is not a person you don't know.) But yeah, I have no clue what-so-ever about how in the world they managed to get that stuff INTO the plastic, but whoever did that, I gives them many <3's,
And there I was, thinking that the awesome parade of coins and various other small objects in the bus handles made my day... Well, I was seriously wrong. When going into this random electronics store (that reminded me a lot of BestBuy) I found the MOST ADORABLE THING IN THE ENETIRE UNIVERSE (to date) I wish I could have it as a pet...
Can you say "back up dancers"? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3SlT27fk2E
watch it bringing sexy back: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Oz9izzS-Z4&feature=related
and for all you star wars lovers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QppetIRhP24&feature=related
watch it totally OWN Michael Jackson with it's cuteness:
So, if this day didn't already seem filled to the brim with legitimate productivity, I managed to out-do that as well: Today I FINALLY!!!(after about 2 years...) finished sorting through Stass' Music. I sorted though a good 6Gigs worth of music. Now, all I have left to do to get my computer into a workable condition, is to reorganize everything, which I hope will not take more than 2-3 weeks. I really want this to be done before Sept. 1, because that's when class will be starting, and then I will die a death that is called the-sad,-lonely-and-pointless-death-of-the-elite-college-student ^^ (meaning I'll have no time or energy to bother about this sort of stuff)
So yeah. I feel productive, which is a good thing, and hopefully that will continue in the near future :D
Side note: I've also decided on my new method of unproductivity, which is: I'm going to skip the two sims2 expansion packs I'm missing, and just get sims3 prolly for Christmas or something like that. Also I plan to aquire a collection of all CIV4 games ever (on one disc, for about $10) and kill more time that way, but I hope to get this one before Christmas. Yay Russia! for making cheap stuff possible.
Yay Russia for having the awesome handles on buses that short people can hold! I see that we're a recognized minorty:D
ReplyDeleteAnd the Sony Rolly is really, REALLY cute. At this point, the only thing it lacks is a furry body... I wanna hug it!