So it's beeen quite a while since I last wrote. And there is kinda a reason for that.Mainly I had way too many other things on my mind. But to start off I have a request:
If any of you happen to meet my parents, or have parents who are friends with mine, know that I don't tell them the more "stupid things," I tend to do. So please don't tell them, or i'll never hear the end of it.
(You see my mom’s the type who if I tell her that a boy poked fun at me on the first day of class will be asking about him for a whole year, and it just drives me nuts.)
Anyways. I left off with the unfortunate end of my theoretical mechanics exam, and the rest of them didn’t go too well either. I scraped by in Math Analysis (although I’m very happy that I’m rid of it and I’ll never have to see it again.) Physics I somehow survived. This one is actually an interesting story. I'll elaborate.
The written exam was something I dreaded, since obviously not having actually done any of the homeworks, and not having opened the book; I obviously couldn’t solve any problems. But luckily a very nice first year girl lived next door. And I exploited her shamelessly. I had her copy the answers to the exam that would be posted on a super-secret facebook site (ssfs).[the process works this way: everyone gathers, then the test begins, someone photographs the variants and posts the pics on the ssfs. Then the smart people sharpen their brains and turn on their pencils and solve them really quick. The answers are checked by other smart people and posted back on the site. From then on people either use their phones or have same sex accomplices copy the answers and put them in the nearest bathroom.] So that’s what I did. And I SURVIVED muahahahahaha. I know. It’s bad, but there was nothing else I could have done at that point. The oral exam was sad. I had allthe answers strapped to my leg (litterally) but I had no chance to pull them out (litterally), since I was sitting in the very front right by about 4 teachers. So overall that didn’t go all that great.
And then came the monster - the thing that is actually so easy, but of course the one thing that I actually failed: Differential analysis. I failed the written test, so I wasn’t able to even try the oral one, and now I’m starting to enter a state of very mild “holy crap” since the exam is in just a little over a week. And if I don’t pass this time, it’ll be all over…
I got a new phone, and I've been abusing it quite harshly. You see it has a touch screen and that's pretty much the funest thing ever. And as you can guess, the "somewhat obsessive" personality I have the fortune to possess, is making it pretty much impossible to keep my fingers off it. (As a matter of fact I'm actually writing this on my phone just ‘cause I can. (also partially because at night in my bed is theonly time I can actually concentrate on writing something productive.But this toy was bought not just so I could play cute little games with my fingers after I've gone to bed. NO! It actually serves a purpose. Well, point one is that cheating on exams will be much simplified. I shan't have to resort to the measures I resorted to to pass my written physics exam. (Although it was actually quite convenient and nice) I didn't have to worry about being caught with a phone.But if I had it, then I would have had the possibility of getting more answers than I did. But anyways... Those were the main ulterior motives when requesting that my new phone should have a touch screen. Back then I had no idea how fun it would be...
But recently it actually came in quite handy in a way that I had not expected.
Several weeks ago, I had decided to go to an art store to buy paper and replenish my supply if paints. And seeing as I had no idea where to find such a place I Googled it and quickly found a couple hundred shops. After deciding on a metro station that had five of them in its nearest vicinity I went to look for them. That turned out really well...
When I got out of the metro I started looking for a map. You know those things with the obnoxious red YOU ARE HERE dots that make you feel like you're thought to have the intelligence of a three year old, but are secretly thankful for. Well this was one of the rare examples that did not have that unholy flecked. As a result I ended up picking a direction and looking for street signs, which Russia are surprisingly well hidden or altogether absent. The direction I picked seemed to be kind of right, after a while I was certain of my correctness since the name of the street was right. What I didn't now then was that I was going in the exact opposite direction. But I went on.Over half an hour later I was getting suspicious. It wasn't supposed to be this far away. I had come to a huge street, which was right, (and I was approached by a guy with a kiddie backpack who made no attempt at hiding that he wasn't
actually looking in my eyes when I asked for directions.) However, I had failed to notice the lack of river. So I just kept looking for that store. After a while I got fed up with the ordeal and made my way back to my metro station, and went then in a perpendicular direction to look for the other four stores. I walked for a while, but then I came upon a river where there should be none. This is when I finally understood that I had no idea where I was... Luckily modern phones, to simplify the life of the various secret service agencies all over the world, are equipped with gps! It so turned out that I had gone south instead of north and east instead of west... Super... Well, in the end I finally found that art store after I walked past it about 3 times, as it was skillfully hidden in a basement in a courtyard which you could get to by going under a little bridge connecting two buildings. But I got my paper and my paints so all's well that ends well I guess. And seeing as it is now 3 am I shall continue this another day! tee hee
Moving on to the culinary culture section of today's newscast.
Yes! I did IT. I cooked. Thrice this summer the first time it was pancakes. That was actually quite fun, although I had a lot of trouble with adjusting the heat. You see, we have one of those pesky gas stoves that are really nice if they aren't from pr-soviet times. Meaning: touch it too little the flame doesn't change, use too much pressure - even one pascal too much ( for those if you who don't know, it's the pressure exerted by a milk chocolate bar (100g or 0.0454lbs) that has been spread out uniformly on a 1mx1m (40in x40in) surface.) - you get a flame that will burn off your eyebrows, or one that will need 24 hrs to boil a glass of water. And unfortunately the flame size I needed was right between "oops, I pushed too much" and "darn, why isn't it changing." So I had to switch between too much and too little all the time, so as to attempt to keep the frying pan at the right temperature. The other issue with pancakes is that no matter what I did, it was absolutely impossible to make them round. Here are some of the shapes that I got: a mutant deep sea fish, a freshly ripped out heart, and an upside-down alien glob.

But that's not all! For my dad's birthday and my own enjoyment I made what's so wonderfully called
Russian salad. It's my favorite dish, and one of the mist time consuming things that you can do in the kitchen.Equal quantities of boiled potatoes(exc
ept you want about twice as much potato than everything else) and carrots, harboiled eggs, pickles, meat, peas. Topped off with plenty mayo. Cut everything Into 5mm x 5mm x 5mm cubes (except the peas, which would be ridiculous to cut, and egg folks which dissolve in the general mass of ring cubes anyway are therefore pointless to cut.) If you've ever cooked, you might guess how long all that takes. About 2 hours... And after doing that twice in the span of 3 days and successfuly flattening my poor behind while I wad at it I got sick of cooking and haven't done it .
On a Side note
I have returned to my one great my anti-drug. One big thing, that be irreversibly changed my life: I've been reading manga again, and it's so wonderful that it makes me sad that I ever stopped. In this past month, I've read quite a number of series that deserve a spot on my absolute favorites list. But i'll not bore you with it, since I'm aware that few of you are fellow manga nerds. (i'll gladly give recommendations if you want them though!)
However unlikely it may week, I have become one of those insufferable girls who cry during sappy moves. I know, I'm probably the last person such things are to e expected if under normal circumstances, but they're just so sad sometimes. For all of you who have read rave master, I think Sieg's fate was the suckiest that could possibly be imagined. I guess I've become like the Grinch/b>... I grew feelings towards sappy crap... Boo...
I actually completely forgot this incident until now.
It happened quite a while ago, sometime during session I think, but I'm not quite sure. But someone got wind of how to get free tickets to this random concert that would be happening on the red square in honor of Russia day. Well, since we're moderately active people, we decided to go get tickets and see that concert. Well it all started out fine enough we got our flyers and went into the city center to meet with the group/organization thing that would give us our tickets. They said they'd have them at 4 so we naturally wanted to get there at 3 (but that didn't quite work out because one if the guys we went with jumped over the barriers to get into the metro, but got held up by the police, just cause they recited to be a pain in the ass that day, so we had to wait for him for the good part if an hour.) But in the end we got there around half past 4, which, as it turned out, was not a big real at all, since the tickets didn't arrive until much much later. Obtaining that piece of paper involved much walking to and fro, much waiting in the heat, much shoving, and one really awesome old guy in a silly hat who danced really well to really crappy techno music while waving a Russian flag about, and being cheered on by a crapload of people because there really was NOTHING better to do. But when the tickets finally drive everyone naturally ran to the guys handing them out and much compression of people and shoving ensued at the hotspots of high ticket concentration. And if you have ever read manga or watched any anime or just have a very 'active' imagination, you know exactly what must be present in a fluster cluck like this: you got it! An ass who tries to grope girls! All I can say: not pleasant. I regret that I didn't get,a good look at his face so I could rip his nostrils and break his fingers. But we got our tickets and after more walking, and 3 police check points we were in. And then there was more shoving, more really drunk really tall guys flailing about, more near fatal compression of the lungs, more killing of your feet and subsequent revenge for the poor dead chunks of flesh attached to your ankles. And another half hour later we were pretty close to the front, could not move a millimeter, had trouble breathing, and could neither see nor hear anything that was happening on the stage. So we decided to screw the whole affair eat some french fries and go home. The getting out part took about another hour. The fast food part... Well, that took ages. Probably another 2 or so hours of walking, before we found a McDonald's. But we got there and we ate, and then we went home, completely disappointed at the concert, but agreeing that the best part of the day was the feeling of accomplishment when we had obtained our tickets. (I kept mine of course) =)
it's probably time to explain the thing you are probably most eager to hear about. That one... Let's call it 'unusual' status I had up on Facebook a while ago.
(here I give fair warning to any and all of you to continue reading at your own discretion. )
Well me and the guy I'd mentioned earlier had been seeing more of each other. Although after a while there was progressively less and less "seeing," per se, involved, but that's another matter. I was really just highly surprised by the fact that the dear child gave me his girl's notes. And the way I found out was by way of a casual friend request from her on the Russian equivalent of Facebook with the message: "hi! you have my notes, can you please return them to me? (Insert smiley face here)." Naturally, I returned them to her, we even chatted for quite a while. And as soon as I turned my back I had to fight the urge of laughing out loud at the boy's nerve, and the situation in general.
But that was a while ago. Now I'm growing tired of the internet serenades and the fact that movies and YouTube videos seem to be his only area of interest. So when (hopefully not if) I return to the institute I will end the charade, but not before thoroughly enjoying it :P
(here I give fair warning to any and all of you to continue reading at your own discretion. )
Well me and the guy I'd mentioned earlier had been seeing more of each other. Although after a while there was progressively less and less "seeing," per se, involved, but that's another matter. I was really just highly surprised by the fact that the dear child gave me his girl's notes. And the way I found out was by way of a casual friend request from her on the Russian equivalent of Facebook with the message: "hi! you have my notes, can you please return them to me? (Insert smiley face here)." Naturally, I returned them to her, we even chatted for quite a while. And as soon as I turned my back I had to fight the urge of laughing out loud at the boy's nerve, and the situation in general.
But that was a while ago. Now I'm growing tired of the internet serenades and the fact that movies and YouTube videos seem to be his only area of interest. So when (hopefully not if) I return to the institute I will end the charade, but not before thoroughly enjoying it :P
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