As the title suggests, there is a long overdue rant that I've never had the patience to write out in full for the sheer monstrosity of the rage and smoldering discontent it evokes in me. At this moment, I encourage you to take a closer look at the two photos. The first I took near my base, walking to the bus stop (the blurriness, btw is snow/ice flying about and right in your face). The second photo is of my apartment from the outside. (and again, the blurryness is snow/ice/wind/eeew) There's a car in the picture, I wonder if you can find it. It's red. I would also like to note that those heaps are actually about 2 meters high and that those half covered windows are not the basement, but the first floor. I happen to live on the first floor. These photos were taken on the same day. Guess the date....

If you were thinking December or January. You were wrong (there was less snow then, and more cold). If you know a bit of the Russian climate, you might even think November or even October or February because winter sets in early and leaves late. But again you would be wrong. These photos I took on Monday, March 25th, 2013. Yesterday. I do wonder if March is aware of the fact that it's a spring month... in any case March is pretty much over, and it's finally getting warmer. It is now only 10 below freezing (in Celsius). Luckily, it actually does feel a bit like spring, you see, it doesn't get dark at 5 PM anymore, which is a nice change, and there is the odd day when the sun actually shines. And when it does it's blinding. Literally. A bright sun, and all that brightness bounces off the whiteness all around you. There's no escaping it. However, the weather is a force that I can do nothing about, much like I can do absolutely nothing about the complete absence of computer sense that my bachelor diploma adviser has. It is indeed startling. He can't even access his email from home, because someone set up an ancient version of outlook for him at work, and he can't do the same at home. I even had to print out a pdf for him because he didn't get how do download it onto the computer from his email... well he's rather on the elderly side, so I guess he deserves a break, but still, he could make an effort.
In other news I might be going to Ukraine in April for this conference type thing. Mostly because I miss being warm outside. I hope that goes well enough, and that both me and the bf will get green lights for that one. It'd be nice to have a little vacation. So, I'm tired, and I don't really feel like writing much more, so I guess this is it for the time being.
From Russia with Love.
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