Tuesday, November 10, 2009

3 physics labs and sore throat

omg! I fucking HATE Backstreet boys, Pink and FuCkInG hIgH sChOoL mUsIcAl In StInKiNg RuSsIaN!!!! Yeah, mu room mates listen to that stuf... and i have 3 frigging physics labs to do by tomorrow morning, and it's already half past midnight. haven't finished the first one yet. GAH I'll break someone's bone3s if the bad music continues... WHERE'S MY SHURINKEN!?!? DAmn. it's in moscow... consider yourself lucky my pawn, you shall live another day.

ps: once i sleep, i actually have somethign interesting to tell you guys about. does it involve fire, dance, alcohol, and activities of questionable legality? Yes. Yes. Yes. And YES! and much more besides. look forward to it :D

1 comment:

  1. Backstreet Boys and High School Musical? In college?!?! D:
