Saturday, November 28, 2009

silent joy

Furniture to be moved and failure to be dreaded. But that's not what I'll be talking about this time. It's something far smaller and yet far larger: Human emotions.
This happened on Friday:
I was in comp sci class, but I forgot my memory stick so I went back to the dorm to get it, which took me somewhere in the vicinity of 20 minutes. When I returned some more people from my group had shown up for class including Anton. (I'd call him a friend but it's far to early to go haphazardly declaring friendships with random (or not so random) people, but we're well under way in that direction., anyways...) when I entered the room his face lit up. though I'm not very pleased about the implications of such a reaction, it was a marvelous change. You often see this referenced in books, when someone beholds a long missed face. and I, personally, have never given much thought to it I imagined nothing major, a pleasant smile at most, a friendly exclamation. Yet it's so much more. It's a display of genuine gladness, stronger precisely because of its wordless nature. It's impossible not to respond in a like fashion to something like that and it's impossible to mistake it for anything other than what it is.

I wish all of you will see such a sight in your life. It's warm.


  1. Awwwwh that is so cute, and sweet, and awesome! ^ ^

  2. Somehow, I was also thinking about that over the past week (since it was Thanksgiving break I reunited with a lot of awesome people). Regardless of the meaning behind that sort of expression (romance, friendship, etc.), it's always amazing how a person's simple, real expression can affect you. I liked how you touched on it's "wordless nature," because that's so very true.

    And good luck with the furniture!
