Ok, so now I'll get to the actual good part! Or I guess it would be the good part, if you're a sucker for these things. But I'll start out a bit more obscurely. Imagine this scene.
It's early evening by a lake. And a dark wood, with many tall bushes and small alcoves within them. In one of these alcoves is a sort of camping ground for three tents, though only one was set up, and in the center - a fire pit with a flame crackling. Next to the fire stands a tree stump - a makeshift table of sorts and on it: a candle burns and there are two wine glasses with a bottle of red wine. In the background - a swing. You know, it's one of those things that you usually only see in those horrible chick flicks, where this random guy prepares this ridiculously elaborate surprise for the main heroine. You know the ones that make you want to either kill the screenwriter, or be in them, and you can't decide which it is you want more. And that actually happened. Like in real life. and it was awesome. But yeah, as you can guess by now,I got a new boy. and you'll laugh when I tell you about our first date: first we went to this random playground, then went on a very long walk and finished by watching the European championship in soccer! (I really really wanted to watch! If you didn't know, I become a soccer nut for a month every 24 months.)but yeah, since It's summer break, he's home and I'm home, so we don't see each other at all, (except when he's coming to Moscow just to visit me next Monday. But that's all we'll get to see of one another till the semester starts.) But he's awesome, very thoughtful, and cuter than a kitten if that's possible. So yeah. I'm happy. =)
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