Tuesday, July 24, 2012


So, I went to the Pushkin museum on Sunday and Tuesday (bought a two day ticket to the two buildings, and they don't work on Mondays.). It's delightfully cheap for college students 200 Rubles to both buildings, which is something like 6 or 7 dollars. I want to the main building today which has lots of Greek sculptures (including a ginormous David, which I found to be slightly disproportional) but the thing that surprised me most was in one of the rooms with paintings there. These were some of the really old masters, and I don't even remember who made it, but it caught my eye because it was rather large, and also It was a city scene with carriages and beautiful old buildings in a room full of portraits, and most of all I though it looked a terribly German kind of town, so I went up to it to see if my guess was right. And I was. It was a scene of the old market in Dresden, and at that moment I recognized the church towers at the edges and almost started to cry. I guess it was just a bit of a shock to have been confronted with a place that I've been really missing during the past few days so completely out of the blue. *sigh* stupid mood swings...

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