Monday, November 22, 2010

In the olden days

Yesterday I went to a ball. It was quite entertaining really, aside from the part where my big toes got slaughtered and getting thrown into a pole and several people. It was mostly a historyc ball, if you could call it that. half the songs were Walz (the dance that killed my toes and caused collisions), and the other half were Hustle (some bizare mixture of swing, discofox, and latin overall quite fun if not danced with some creep.) In prep for the ball we had mastercalsses whcih lasted about 3 hours, so I eneded up dancing severall hours each day aside from the normal ballroom dancing I go to twice a week. And this coupled with going to the club on friday killed my knee.
What I learned from the ball: 1. walzing with a hurt knee is horrible. 2. Tylenol is awesome. 3. somewhat creepy guys tend to be really good dancers.
But in any case. Being at the ball(and binge watching star trek), brought one speciffic though to my mind. People back in the day may have had (atleast partially) the right idea. Maybe I'm just tired, but I do find myself frequently wishing myself back in the 19th century where all a girl had to do was do housework and look pretty (the second not even being so mandatory). Arragnged marriages, and simple art and housework classes. Think of how easy it would be. No worries about anything. I'd have all the time in the world to do what I want to instead of studying all the time. But unluckily that's not the world we live in today, and that's what must be done to have a decent life in the future. (meh. it's probably just the looming 20 talking... hrhrhr.) oh, well. now I have to worry about not getting thrown out of college once again... If i could only care more about this stuff it would be so much easier... *sigh*