Wednesday, November 4, 2009

On this the night of Hollow's Eve

A hellish week has come to a very noisy and partially unpleasant end. I guess it started a little over a week ago, on Sunday when I absolutely and utterly failed my physics test. That evening in the shower I finally understood who it is that I don't understand physics here. Turns out it's a simple matter of teaching, that goes in reverse here. In America the throw formulas into your face and you have to figure out what they are about, and why and etc. here they tell you about the why and so on, and the formulas are then introduced as a matematization of previous explained concept. The result: an illusion of understanding the material while in reality nothing is clearly grasped. And that, of course, I found out AFTER I failed. Yet never fear, the next failure is sure to come soon. And sure as a computer controlled missile it came all too soon. I failed a math test, and consequently understood m second problem: I can't talk like an intelligent human being. Thus, with my second failure accomplished I looked to bright and happier things, namely Halloween. Yes. A fun night it was, or at least the part I can remember was entertaining. Yes you read correctly: the part I remember. You see, Russians drink. A lot. And considering that I count myself reasonable, I have taken to drinking on special occasions (unlike some people I know, who do it without any reason whatsoever, which results in running around the dorm half naked, breaking into a girls' room and smashing a glass bottle into tiny little pieces.) Well, anyways. 'Twas a glorious night, with pained faces absolutely absurd costumes made from blankets, trash bags, paper cups and lab coats worn like straightjackets. And all was well, we four girls split a bar of chocolate and 4 bottles of champagne, and they guys went for vodka (of course) and aside from a few flying apples, no harm was done. Then we decided to go to the graveyard…

we girls went on ahead, thinking that the guys would follow (of course, what else can they possibly do) but it turned out that they went to buy more drink, and for the heck of it one of the others ordered another bottle of champagne. while we were waiting for them to catch up, the fuzz cleared completely, and all was wonderful, however the one who had wanted the champaigne, left. thus pnce all were reunited it fell onto the other two of us to drain the monster. 'twas all great and fun, up until the point i can remember. (yes, you got that right...)

i don't have any recollection of the second half of the way back (they had to support me i heard), and i''ve no memor of returning to the room. they say i'm a very quiet drunk, which i guess is rather convenient in a way. since the alternatives would certainly result in amy man obsceneties. in any case, i woke up curled up in the bathroom sometime between 4 and 6 am, and after an unpleasant rondevous with the toilet, managed to change and climb into my bed (i sleep on top in a very shaky bunk bed, and according to my roommate who sleeps below me, i managed to do so mic more quietly and gently than i usually do, which i find very amusing.)

the next morning wasn't very fun either. i didn't exactly feel my very best, but after another round of staring into the toilet, i felt moderately adequate. the funny part: my mom was visiting me that morniing. of course, i never said anyhting, but i would be a fool to presume that she didn't have a prettty good idea of what was going on. i was acting too odd. but in ay case all is well now.

and that was only halloween, and only a few people from our group were partying. this friday, everyone will be doing this. ad it shall be entertaining. however i have no intentions of drinking that much ever again. that horrid morning-after feeling is not something anyone should ever aspire to.


now to some happier things:

i've no idea howcome, but miraculously m internet started working again. which is EPIC!!! and also my mom plans to go to SC next summer, and thus there is a faril decent chance of me comming to visit too!!!! soooo.... keep in touch! i may still come to haunt you yet :D

i love you all <3

1 comment:

  1. WOW. I'm sorry that happened, but at least you weren't drinking Vodka...and you have more interesting stories to tell than most people. =p
