Thursday, January 13, 2011


So I'll start with my tale of the recent ball. It was absolutely AWESOME!!! Dancing all night – who could have anything against that. The first half of the evening was dedicated to more historical dances. Basically, over half of them were various permutations of the Waltz, which is nice, but after 3 minutes of nonstop spinning it gets difficult to walk straight after it’s over. The rest were various historical dances, which in essence are a short piece of choreography repeated over and over again, basically you can’t really call that actual dancing, in my opinion (no creativity, you see). However there was one rather entertaining instance: the Waltz with a flower. We ran into a small obstacle there. You see: we had no flower. (The flower is used to pick partners. Girls stand in one line facing the line of the leads. In each line –people stand in twos. The one holding the flower picks who he/she wants to dance (usually one or two rounds around the dance floor) with from the two from the line facing her. The person not picked gets the flower and gets to choose themselves following the same algorithm.) But, as I already said we had no flower. What to do? A couple guys really into rpg, brought their rpg costumes along, and there were a few instances of what looked like soldiers chasing a prisoner around the dance floor. Well part of the costuming was a rather large and real looking gun. And we said, heck, why not use the gun instead of the flower. Hilarity ensued as people were fake-shot.
Now, moving on to the more interesting part of the evening: the informal dances. Half hustle, half various fun fun fun folk dances. For those of you who don’t know hustle, essentially is like swing dancing plus Latino charm (read: sexy sexy swing ;) ). For the first few I danced as lead with Katia (is from a parallel group, and I taught her some basic following, so we get by.) this, of course, acted like some wonderful advertising, and soon enough a bunch of absolutely amazing dancers started asking me to dance (hehehehehe). Epicness ensued. One of the guys I danced with was particularly awesome, quite tall, rather imaginative, and a really good lead (also quite cross-eyed and with a dark sense of humor as I later found out ;) ). And his girlfriend was my absolutely favorite person there. It seems she went to a dance school, and her movements are incredibly beautiful. She is just what I imagine elves to dace like (or at least the nearest human approximation thereof.) Random: Btw, I also realized that dancing swing with a short lead can be quite great, but waltzing with a short lead is highly uncomfortable.
In the end I had tons of fun, and I even got to take home some free food (sausage :D ).
So much for that.
Now to something more disquieting: Today I got a russian-fb message from my dance partner for ballroom dancing. In it he asked me to meet him 15-ish minutes earlier than the class would start. My first reaction: wtf, mate? (Hence the title). First of all I’m busy on Thursdays, since I’ve another dance class before the ballroom one (which sadly today did't happen...), so he said he’d meet me just before that one as I leave the dorm. Obviously, he needed to tell me something important… my second reaction: wtF? So as I left the dorm, he was there, and got straight to the point: he’s in love with a girl from dance classes, and can’t stand seeing her dance with someone else, so he talked to her partner and now to me about doing the old switcheroo. I agreed. I regret having to lose a good dance partner, but I shan’t hold him against his will. It would be cruel, and everyone would be unhappy. Well, the guy turned out to be halfway decent. Very uncertain in his leading, for now, but the basics aren’t half bad. (of course, he doesn’t compare to my previous guy. So sad). On the other hand, it’s quite obvious that he had quite a lot of fun today, and my boy progressed quite a lot too. I shall make a dancer of him yet. Sadly, no one does such things for me yet though.

btw: physics went well: I got a 5/10 that's like a B (or a 4 on the 2-5 scale)
I also passed my chemical physics exam with a 4/10 (which is a 3 in the old system) or like a C. not so happy about that one. Now I must study for theoretical mechanics on the 17th. :/

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