Tuesday, June 26, 2012


So, it's been quite a long while since I last posted. I even broke my one post a month rule, which I am extremely sorry for. on the up side, i'll be writing a number of posts in the coming weeks, I think, to recap everything. I'll start with where I left off, or at least what I remember from so long ago.

You might recall that a rather important question was supposed to be answered: namely, which f the sixteen base institutes will be mine. I don't remember if I have already explained this, so forgive me if I repeat myself. This is such an important question, because it basically determines what I'm going to do with my life, even to the extent that the base is probably going to be my job for like forever (though not necessarily, but there's much time to speculate about that yet. many many years.) I might have told you about the center for photochemistry, that I liked a lot. This is so for quite a number of reasons: 1) it's interesting 2) it's extremely easy 3) they pay well 4) (and most importantly) my dad thinks it's a good place, so he'll leave me alone about it.
Well, as luck would have it, I was assigned there, and more interestingly; the only other people there are two boys from my current group, one lazier even than me at times, and the other a bit of a, eh, how to put this, 'questionable' individual. On a side note: this is actually extremely unusual, just so you know. =)

Well, once that was cleared up, I had to start doing all the homeworks, which as always is the biggest pain in the behind in the world, but I'll tell you about that next time =) 

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