Friday, July 24, 2009

dreams part 1 & 2

I think, if you have the same dream thrice within 15 minutes, your subconscious is trying to tell you something. You see I've been dreaming a lot recently. I've had countless dreams involving people I know back in SC - one of them involving Steve, Roone, and a red remote controlled car in a tunnel - anyways: this one particular dream I meant was one about my goodbye party. I had to register it online, and so I went to the computer, to open the party registration page. that page asked me whether there will be older men and younger girls at the festivity. And since I wanted to invite Henry (I have no idea who that is, but his name was Henry, and I believe he was analogous to the aforementioned Steve, since he was the oldest, I believe, at my farewell party, but that's just me guessing) and Henry was in his mid 20s, and there would be Allie, who, in the dream, was 15/16. So, I said yes to that particular qestion. Well, I click finish, and they fine me $200 for "being a pervert." Peachy. Just peachy. and that same dream repeated itself twice more. The odd part though was that the repetition got me so confused that I actually believed that I owed $200 for perversion...
Thanks Henry...


That which we don't know fascinates and enchants us: Like a flower cut just before it blossomed captures our immagination, it is that which didn't come to pass haunts our memories forever.


It's a truth. Humanity will always search for answers to questions, we'll always seek to explain things around us, simply because of our fascination with the unknown. but what does this have anything to do with dreams? Deams in their purest form are the embodiment of our desires, fears, and obsessions. Yet at the same time, we don't understand them, we don't understand ourselves.
Last evening, sitting on my bed, I realized something: in that moment something broke; a door closed; As much as I would want to, I will not dream about SC anymore. And that night I didn't.

SC feels more and more like a distant dream, a fantasy, too good to be true. It's like I'm in a different world now, one that has nothing to do with everyone I left behind. I guess this is where my new beginning truly starts...


  1. hahahaha wow. that first dream is interesting. not exactly the best way to prevent perversion. but whatever. i am definitely not 15.

    as for the second part i've never had to make a major move so i don't know what you are feeling. but after 5th grade my best friend in the world moved away and we stayed in touch everyday for a few years but then we both adjusted and we both made new friends. it was hard, but starting over for her wasn't a terrible thing. and we still are close and email back and forth and try to see each other. i can tell her anything and i love talking to her. you can have more then one part of your life in different places
    SC is still here and everybody misses you. but you will adjust and make new friends. don't think of it as a closed chapter but a still growing book. i'm still keeping in touch with you until we are old and forgetful. and who knows where we will be then? maybe sitting in the same room terrorizing the same nursing attendants :D

  2. Ehrlich: ich bin tief beindruckt, vor allem von deinem Absatz über Träume. Vielleicht auch, weil genau diese Gedanken zur Zeit mich auch beschäftigen. It's oh so true.
    Hat dir schon jemand gesagt, dass du absolut gut schreiben kannst?! Ich meine es ernst. ;)

  3. haha danke danke naa wenn dir meine schreiberei gefaellt kannste ja mal hier guggen:
    ich und ne freundin von mir schreiben es gemeinsam, aber sie kann i-wie nie das naechste stueck fertig kriegen... schon seit ueber nem jahr..

  4. You're welcome. Glad I could help :P

    What an odd dream.

    Allie put it quite well by saying "don't think of it as a closed chapter but a still growing book." Luckily, in our day and age, we 'can' communicate. Something that decades ago would've been essentially impossible. Though plagued with impersonality, the internet opens up doors of communication that allow such a book to be written.

    Miss you, Kati!

  5. true enough, and I do get my occasional emo day now and then. and do keep in touch and: get skype!
    (miss you too)
