Friday, July 24, 2009

So it begins

So it begins. Or rather so it began, since the beginning is a while back now. After just barely making it to our first flight across the Atlantic, which was then filled with many uncomfortable seats (224 of them), small children screaming, and a cat going ballistic (you know you would too if someone suddenly put a tight thinghy around your neck, stuck you in a small bag, that kept wriggling around, and put you in a weird place that stinks, is hot, and dry.) and to top it all off, my so-called window seat was more of a the-seat-behind-you-has-a-window-seat-fyi-we-hate-your-guts seat.
Anyways I believe my broken internal clock completely lost its last working detail rendering it completely and utterly useless somewhere around the western coast of the British isles. Which brings me to my first idiot. The security guy at the Düsseldorf airport. He tried to take my stark-raving-mad-cat out of her bag. Bad idea. The only way to appease a stark-raving-mad-paranoid-11-month-old-pms-ing-cat is tuna. And he did NOT have tuna. Ergo: BAD IDEA! He got to bleed for his mistake. kitteh scratched his hand. Tee hee. Well I'm sure you're happy to know that I did have tuna, so we appeased the creature once well out of the way of any and all disturbances.

Once on the second plane I was naturally dead. It was bright outside, yet somehow, it was also supposed to be 1 am in my world. Weirdness of the brain ensues which ends ultimately in me sleeping in the uncomfortable seat. I was just happy that I wasn't my dad, who had to deal with a rather large man sitting next to his left… he had trouble fitting in the seat. But that's not all: it turns out the man was a Jehovah's Witness, and better yet: returning from an international conference… wait. Back up. An international conference for Jehovah's Witnesses??? What the heck? Oh yeah, and did I forget to mention that they're illegal in Germany, where that conference was held? Remember that weirdness of the brain I mentioned earlier? I'm pretty sure I was not the worst case on that plane… (points to Jehovah's Witness.)

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